Push your flight attendant call button for a copy of the book……

It’s the holidays. You know, that time of year when creepy uncles, over the top aunts and nephews and nieces who have all the charm of a cockroach descend on you, your home and family.  Twitter 1

These people are the low-life branch of the family tree.  Humorless, hungry and thirsty enough to leave you wondering how they live the other 364 days a year.

You make the best of it with the good bourbon on the top shelf of the closet and hope uncle creepy doesn’t it.

Or you could buy a copy of Sit the Fuck Down and read it as they arrive on the driveway and your intestines curdle.

The other option is buying a copy for all of them, watch as they laugh and then cringe with each passing page.

Stop by Amazon.com to see our page there and order a copy or a dozen for friends and unwanted family.  It’s easy and only $9,95.


Push your flight attendant call button for a bigger seat……

This is why our book, Sit the Fuck Down, is so popular this travel season.

From @NYTimes:Twitter 7

Air Travelers Resisting the ‘Incredible Shrinking Airline Seat’

Want to laugh and giggle and and gasp at the vulgarity of Sit the Fuck Down then stop by Amazon.com by clicking here.  We are the perfect match between your tight cramped butt and your lungs as you gasp for air.  But at least your butt will be a distant memory in that seat designed by the Spanish Inquisition.

Care to share a travel story? DM or drop us a Tweet on us on Twitter @Sitthefckdown or email us at sitthefckdwn@gmail.com

We would enjoy sharing horror stories of passengers and travelers who drive you crazy for our sequel, Shut the Fuck Up!

It hasn’t quite reached gratuitous use of the word, yet.

Your flight attendant will be with you in 3 days…..

This Saturday, 4 November, we will be participating in the Local Author Fair sponsored Twitter 1by the Albuquerque Public Library at the Central and Unser Branch.

Sit the F@ck Down will be one of more than 30 books featured in the event.  We will be under the Adult Humor heading.

The Fair opens at 1 PM and runs through 4 PM Saturday.

Stop by, say hello, buy a copy of the book, and tell us your flying stories and possibly be featured in Book 2 of our series.

AuthorFairTwitter (2)